Tehnik Menggambar Manga Dari Referensi Photo 1

Salam kenal untuk yang baru pertamakali singgah di Blog Workshop Manga Online Misskomik~

Kali ini Misskomik membahas topik yang penting diketahui bagi yang serius ingin mengasah hobinya menggambar Style Manga, bagaimana cara mempercepat dan mempermudah proses menggambar. Salah satu tehnik dasar dalam menggambar agar tidak mudah menyerah, tapi justru semakin tertantang untuk bereksplorasi. Sesuai judul, Tehnik Menggambar Manga Dari Referensi Photo.

Pertanyaan berikut pasti pernah atau masih membuat kamu penasaran.

Bagaimana figur/obyek di Gambar Style Manga bisa begitu detail?
Manga Noragami-noragami

Traditional And Digital Manga Drawing Media

This is the time for Misskomik Workshop Manga discusses the tools that support in development Comic/Manga creation on topic Traditional And Digital Manga Drawing Media.

As the era pass and technology develops, digital art are created. From an application(software) specifically allowing more diverse technique to draw and color in computer devises, with a variety of choices. And followed by Pen-Tablet or a special gadget like seen in the image below, to get more practical.

Wacom pen-tablet
Using pen-tablet with digital drawing aps
Cintiq Wacom - drawing touch screen

Animation & Short Movie Festival By HelloFest

Misskomik Workshop Manga share Event 

HelloFest Animation & Short Movie Festival mempersembahkan :

Manga Style Drawing 2

This second article about Manga Style Drawing is presenting a collection of Popular Mangakas along with their Manga and the cover. Which you may have found familiar with their artwork...?
Stay tuned to the intro for you to be more inspired and actively practice in drawing.
Hope this is useful ~ ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ )


The point that you need to keep in mind is, even though with any art drawings reference, don't be afraid to improvise with your own style!
For Misskomik itself, drawing reference is only an example of how to draw a figure to be correct, in a particular style.
But still, we must be able to convert to our ideal or our own characteristic style.